Site and Surrounding Context
The site is an under-developed site to the rear of Maple Close off Cherry Avenue and is currently occupied by a 1950’s building, hard standing and parking lock-ups. The site is surrounded by a series of semi-detached / terraced two-storey houses.
Scheme Proposals
The intent is to rejuvenate this small site, comprising the delivery of a modern community hall and associated amenities, along with new high-quality houses and apartments, delivering a mix of unit types and sizes to accommodate local needs. All houses and apartments have been designed to comply with Nationally Described Space Standards. In March 2021, the Planning Committee approved our proposals for a development of a mix of two-storey buildings comprising 4 maisonettes, 5 two bed and family sized housing units, along with a single-storey modern community hall building.
Design Vision
In developing the scheme careful consideration has been paid to the character of the surrounding area to create a mews street form which is sensitive to the form of development. The material design and façade treatment for the proposed buildings has been carefully considered to achieve a scale / form of development which positively responds to its local context.